Monday, September 13, 2010

"DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love" by Usher

'Cause DJ can't get us fallin' in love by ourselves, Pitbull got to be there too

What does Usher's single "DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love" have to offer, besides poor grammar, a guest appearance by Pitbull, and an extremely lackluster single cover? Nothing special, I'm afraid. While Usher's singing is as vibrant and powerful as ever, it's not enough to save the song from an unimaginative instrumental arrangement and a rap bridge that is a prime example of why rap bridges are a terrible idea.

There are, however, a few interesting moments in the lyrics. During the first verse, Usher claims the dance floor makes him feel like a "zombie gone back to life". Usually, the phrase is "come back to life", but as we have already seen, Usher is unconcerned with conforming his lyrics to established norms of the English language. While I do not applaud his word choice, Usher gets points in my book for the zombie reference.

In the second verse, Usher says he's "gonna set the roof on fire", which is at first understood to refer to the "hotness" of the dance moves that he proposes to do. However, he clarifies in the next line that he's "gonna burn this mother [father] down", making it difficult to accept the sentiment as metaphor and not a literal threat of arson.

Assuming that Usher is hosting this party at his own residence, it turns out that Edgar Allan Poe actually predicted this exact event, 171 years prior:

Not featuring Pitbull this time


  1. In reference to the "zombie gone back to life"...
    A corpse gone back to life = zombie.
    So does a zombie gone back to life = person?

  2. ...but Usher's literary economy far outdid that prophet.

  3. OH MY GOSH I laughed really hard at the Poe reference.
